Rideemaliyadda Ambalama (රිදීමාලියද්ද අම්බලම)

Rideemaliyadda Ambalama (රිදීමාලියද්ද අම්බලම)

Mahiyanganaya is 25 kilometres away from the Ambalama, while Bibile town is 15 kilometers away. From Mahiyanganaya, use the Badulla route for 13 kilometres before turning into the Bibile road. To get to the little intersection and the turnoff towards Rideemaliyadda Rajamaha Viharaya, continue on this route for another 12 kilometres. Just at this intersection, the Ambalama is located in some tree shade.

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Ancient Witness Building cum Ambalama in Haldummulla after restoration

Ancient Witness Building cum Ambalama in Haldummulla (අම්බලමක් වූ පැරණි හල්දුම්මුල්ල සාක්ෂිකරුවන්ගේ ශාලාව)

Haldummulla Ambalama (Witness Building) is a brick and mortar structure constructed with short walls on all four sides with the entrance facing the north. Four square pillars rising from the corners hold a roof tiles with Gam Ulu (semi cynical clay tiles). A cement bench has been added at a later date to accommodate seating.

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පස්සර දෙහිකිඳයාය ඓතිහාසික අම්බලම - Passara Dehikindayaya Ambalama

Passara Dehikindayaya Ambalama

Passara Dehikindayaya Ambalama is in the middle of a beautiful paddy field in Sapuroda GS division of Passara Divisional Secretariat. According to legend, this ambalama dates back to the reign of the King Watta Gamini Abaya (89-77 BCE) better knowns as king Walagamba. The Ambalama which exists today is a building made of cement and roofed with calicut clay tiles.

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