Arawakumbura Dunhinda Ella Fall (අරවක්කුඹුර දුන්හිඳ ඇල්ල)

Arawakumbura Dunhinda Ella Fall (අරවක්කුඹුර දුන්හිඳ ඇල්ල)

The 45m tall Arawakumbura Dunhinda Ella falls full even during the dry season and derives its name from the famous Dunhinda Falls where the spray forms a mist. The source of the fall is the Ibban Oya (river), a tributary of the Gal Oya (river). A number of valuable trees are found in the area, locally known as Suriya, Mara, Bulu and Nellie, but unfortunately colonisation has caused deforestation.

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