Maninaga Mandiraya Monastery of Mihintale - මිහින්තලේ මණිනාග මන්දිරය ආරාමික නටබුන්

Ancient Maninaga Mandiraya Monastery of Mihintale (මිහින්තලේ මණිනාග මන්දිරය ආරාමික නටබුන්)

Maninaga Mandiraya Monastery is a small ruined monastic complex within the larger Mihintale Monastery which lies at the base of the main stairs in Mihintale. Five rectangular buildings are are enclosed within a large wall. At the center is a square building which is presumed to be a image house.

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Pothgula Ruins near Singha Pokuna of Mihintale - මිහින්තලේ සිංහ පොකුණ අසළ ඇති පොත්ගුල ණටබුන්

Pothgula Ruins near Singha Pokuna of Mihintale (මිහින්තලේ සිංහ පොකුණ අසළ ඇති පොත්ගුල ණටබුන්)

Sinha Pokuna is where the one of the best animal carvings of Anuradhapura period can be found in the country. On a higher terrace from Singha Pokuna ruins, about 50 meters away lies another group of buildings hidden from the traveller and unknown to many. This site is called Pothgula (the library).

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Ata Seta Len (Sixty Eight Caves of Mihintale) - මිහින්තලේ අටසැට ලෙන්

Ata Seta Len : Sixty Eight Caves of Mihintale (මිහින්තලේ අටසැට ලෙන්)

Mihintale monastery complex is covered with many sub units which the average traveller or the pilgrims are unaware of. Traveling few meters past the Lions Pond (Singha Pokuna) on the old road, you will come across a massive rocky outcrop on the right. The cluster of caves which has been built using these rock shelters are collectively called “Ata Seta Len” or the “Sixty Eight Caves”.

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